Wild West Originals
Deze website is bedoeld om informatie te geven over de verzameling van antieke wapens en accessoires. Deze website is geen webshop: Ik ben geen handelaar maar een gepassioneerd verzamelaar. Soms zijn verzamelstukken te koop of te ruil.

This website is intended to provide information about the collection of antique weapons and accessories. This website is not a webshop: I am not a trader but a passionate collector. Sometimes collectibles are for sale or exchange.

We have more than 15 years of experience in collecting original antique items from the periods “Wild West” and the “American Civil War”.

For example antique weapons but also all kinds of products from these periods of time. Such as Sheriff stars, leather holsters, belts, cartridge belts and rifle cases. After 15 years of collecting and exchanging items with other collectors, I thought it was about time to start my own website. On this website you can find information about the types of products we collect. You can also buy some nice items. If you have any questions about an item in our webshop or about an item of your own, please contact us. Send us some pictures and we will provide you with the information that you need. This will be costless. We will collect your information, just like collectors do.